Monday, December 10, 2012

Cruising Monday 10 December 2012

Oddly it was me that woke late – to the sound of Rebecca knocking on my door at 8am – as agreed.

No time for dilly dallying as we were booked for a boxing lesson!

Melon carving at Windjammers
Rebecca had a quick snack at Windjammers buffet before we went.  Both of us are still feeling jetlagged in that we don’t know when to eat etc.

We arrived early so decided to go for a jog around the boat.  To Rebecca’s disgust I stopped after one lap (1/3 km).  Then inside to play on the impressive gym equipment, before the lesson.

The lesson was good!

Our instructor is called Chris who has has an intriguing accent – however I’m too shy to peer at his pecs where his name badge with nationality resides.  It is clear however that every buffed inch of Chris shrieks personal trainer!

Rebecca was the star of the show with not only Chris impressed, but passers by watching with awe as she launched into it.  It was even suggested that she take up a position as trainer!
Boxing ring

I kept my end up, with the main failing forgetting left from right J

After a super quick shower (even Rebecca) we went to a trivia quiz on Broadway music – and failed badly L.
Trivia bar (Schooners)

Then we booked our Labadee (Haiti) excursions, forsaking the 80km an hour zip line (we were seriously tempted) and choosing instead a walking tour and coaster ride.

We found out that there are a lot of cruisaholics with some people staying for weeks/months on the ships and not even getting off at the ports!

Lunch at Windjammers next and then Rebecca rested (poor thing) while I did yesterday’s blog.  I hope you guys appreciate these as they do take time and wifi dollars!

Rebecca's angry dog cupcake
Genius at work
After that was a cupcake making session (Rebecca’s choice) which was surprisingly (for me) fun.  It turns out that cupcakes are a big thing in the States.  In case you can’t work it out they are meant to be puppies with their tongues hanging out.

I didn’t eat mine...

The next event was a photo- scavenger hunt.  We were in a team of 6 and all of us had to run around the boat and get photos of the whole team with various scenes/objects – hopefully funny ones.  We did well, but we had to be patient given that we were the fastest ones.
View from Trivia bar

I should probably note that it appears contrary to the travel agent advice, Rebecca cannot have alcohol, so I’m now being quasi-good in support.

My masterpiece
We thought we’d book in a spa treatment for me and a hair appointment for Rebecca on the last day (sailing only, no port).  Somehow we ended up having them there and then.


Rebecca’s hair looks beautiful as she did, dressed up for the formal evening.  The cruise took formal photos of us, but I regret I don’t have one for the blog.

A lovely meal followed – just the two of us.
Game show theatre

Quick detour afterwards to call our partners and then off to a game show.  Left early as a little tiresome, but still back after 11.

So a relatively busy day – again with lots of walking and stairs.  It’ll be interesting to see what we weigh we get back.

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