Sunday, December 9, 2012

A loooong Saturday 8th December 2012

The day started quietly with pottering around and 'aaaarvesting produce from the garden for lunch.  Most notably were the first of Allan's spuds.  Rebecca fed the birds, just in case Allan "forgot".
There's something quite soothing about the domestic routines before going overseas.

 The trip to the airport was uneventful, apart from Rebecca waking up and asking why we were going in the opposite direction to the airport signs - good call!

 The flight to San Francisco was long, tiring and uncomfortable - despite being Premium Economy.  NZ8 was on one of the older planes and amenities weren't as good as more recent flights we've had to Europe..  However, Rebecca did get to watch The Lord of The Rings Trilogy - forsaking sleep.

A big wait at SF airport and we found we weren't entitled o go the airport lounge. So we shopped, ate, drank cocktails and played cards.  So nothing to complain about then!

Orlando airport was obviously the heart of Disney and Harry Potter complete with Micky Mouse footprints.  This is one of many Christmas decorations there.

We finally got to bed in the hotel at 1:30am, making our Saturday40 odd hours long (with the date-line).

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